
The Global StopCyberbullying Telesummit is the largest bullying and cyberbullying event held worldwide. We are already in the 6th edition!

More than talking about the problem, we’ll talk about solutions.

During the month of October (European Cybersecurity Month and the Month of Preventing and Tackling Bullying), Cristiane Miranda, Sónia Seixas and Tito de Morais organize and promote the 6th Edition of the Global StopCyberbullying Telesummit.

This year, with sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, we will hear from several experts who come to talk to us about how to prevent, identify, intervene and tackle bullying and cyberbullying.

During the month of October, we’ll hear 14 speakers for 21 hours of learning that will bring us different topics related to bullying and cyberbullying.

We’re sure you won’t want to miss out.

The sessions will be conducted in Portuguese or English, depending on the guest. .

Check out the program, register and come with us to make a difference!

To participate, sign up here! This way you guarantee that you will receive the links to follow all the sessions for free. Participation in the sessions is free, but registration is mandatory.


Cristiane Miranda
Co-Fundadora do projeto Agarrados à Net, Portugal
Sónia Seixas
Psicóloga, Docente no Ensino Superior, Portugal
Tito de Morais
Fundador do Projecto MiudosSegurosNa.Net, Portugal


Andreia Espain
Founder and President of the Beginner's Mind Association (Portugal)
Anil Raghuvanshi
Founder and President, ChildSafeNet (Nepal)
Débora Cruz
Journalist, Gerador (Portugal)
Fergal Browne
Outreach & Partnerships Manager, TikTok (Ireland)
Helen Cowie
Professor, University of Surrey (United Kingdom)
Ivelise Fortim
Chairman of the Child at Play Institute (Brazil)
James O’Higgins Norman
UNESCO Chair on Bullying and Cyberbullying and a Professor of Clinical Sociology at DCU Institute of Education (Ireland)
Louise Hisayasu
Senior Project Coordinator, Tactical Tech (Germany/ Brazil)
Margarida Balseiro Lopes
Minister of Youth and Modernisation (Portugal)
Margarida Saco
Sociologist and Trainer, IPDJ – Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth (Portugal)
María Cecilia López
Psychologist (Argentina)
Mussollini S. Mugumbate
Founder, Children of the Digital Age, (Zimbabwe)
Rachel Downie
Educator & Founder of Stymie (Australia)
Rui Marques
Relational Lab Coordinator (Portugal)


This program is subject to change. All dates and times indicated refer to Mainland Portugal. All sessions take place from 09:30pm to 11pm. Check the time in your location or time zone here. The sessions in English will take place with simultaneous translation. Sessions in Portuguese will not have translation. Last Update: 11/09/2024

Title: The New UNESCO Definition of School Bullying

Summary: Based on research and practical experience with students and school communities, Cristiane Miranda, Sónia Seixas and Tito de Morais we’ll discuss the new definition of school bullying launched by UNESCO, the main differences compared to other definitions and their implications.

Speakers/Hosts: A Cristiane Miranda, Sónia Seixas e Tito de Morais (Portugal)

Title: An Overview of Cyberbullying in Nepal

Summary: The session will highlight the emerging issue of cyberbullying in Nepal, its risks for children and young people, as well as its magnitude, patterns, and trends. It will also highlight the current state of law enforcement and support services, identify gaps, and provide tailored actionable recommendations.

Speaker: Anil Raghuvanshi (Nepal)

Hosts: Cristiane Miranda, Sónia Seixas and Tito de Morais (Portugal)

Título: Creating A Digital World Free from Cyberbullying

Resumo: In this sessions our guest speaker will be sharing his work in Zimbabwe and provide insights on how to create a cyber-smart society free from cyberbullying.

Speaker: Mussollini S. Mugumbate (Zimbabwe)

Hosts: Cristiane Miranda, Sónia Seixas and Tito de Morais (Portugal)

Título: Socio-emotional Education: what contribution does it make to preventing bullying and cyberbullying?

Summary: The need to promote socio-emotional skills has been highlighted in the educational context. It is important to reflect on the challenges and impact of developing these skills in prevention contexts, especially bullying and cyberbullying, reinforcing the fundamental role of educational communities in promoting safe and positive physical and digital environments.

Speaker: Andreia Espain (Portugal)

Hosts: Cristiane Miranda, Sónia Seixas and Tito de Morais (Portugal)

Title: Rethinking School Bullying Post-Pandemic

Summary: Over the last 15 years there has been an increased awareness of the complexity of school bullying in an increasingly technological world where students are continuously connected. Out traditional understanding of school is being challenged by by new insights into the relationship between individual behaviour, social processes, and societal norms. In this context our established definition of bullying has been revisited and the outcome is that we have a greater appreciation of the need for a whole education approach to bullying and a new way to define bullying among students.

Speaker: James O’Higgins Norman (Irlanda)

Hosts: Cristiane Miranda, Sónia Seixas and Tito de Morais (Portugal)

Título: Abuse of power, harassment and bullying in higher education

Summary: The practices of harassment, abuse of power and bullying are a reality (better or worse) known to students, researchers, teachers and technical staff who go through higher education. In this session, the journalistic series that Gerador dedicated to this topic will be presented and analyzed.

Speaker: Débora Cruz (Portugal)

Hosts: Cristiane Miranda, e Tito de Morais (Portugal).

Title: TikTok’s Approach to Combatting Hate, Harassment and Bullying

Resumo: In this session TikTok will provide an overview of how the platform keeps creators and users safe on the platform, including an overview of the rules for what’s allowed and not allowed on TikTok, how it enforces those rules and the safety features available to TikTok’s users.

Speaker: Fergal Brown (Ireland)

Hosts:Cristiane Miranda, Sónia Seixas e Tito de Morais (Portugal)

Title: Anonymous Harm Reporting to Support Students Experiencing Cyberbullying

Summary: Rachel will workshop the Stymie platform in a practical session and demonstrate how schools use it to support students experiencing harm online and in their embodied lives. She will also share the use of empathy mapping to support students in speaking up about harm.

Speaker: Rachel Downie (Austrália)

Hosts: Cristiane Miranda, e Tito de Morais (Portugal).

Title: From bystanding to upstanding

Summary: Bullying and cyberbullying acts are often witnessed and encouraged by others. The focus of this presentation is on the bystanders who are aware of the distress of their bullied peers but who often fail to take action to defend and protect them for several reasons – including individual and collective moral disengagement – which we will explore in the session. We will discuss a range of ways in which bystanders can be trained to develop the intervention skills of upstanding through peer support.

Speaker: Helen Cowie (Reino Unido)

Hosts: Cristiane Miranda, e Tito de Morais (Portugal)

Title: Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention in Argentina

Summary: In this session we’ll look at problem of bullying and cyberbullying in Argentina, analyzing its psychological causes and proposing a model of approach from families and schools. To do this, if we’ll share a series of workshops for the prevention of this problematic.

Speaker: María Cecilia López (Argentina)

Hosts: Cristiane Miranda, Sónia Seixas and Tito de Morais (Portugal)

Título: To be relational: challenges and opportunities in the digital world

Summary: The digital world, in its multiple dimensions, puts us countless challenges and opportunities. Almost all of them stem from our “being relational” nature with all the lights and shadows that implies. The translate of the physical and face-to-face world to digital and distance in realities such as bullying, or other forms of toxic relationships, complexifies that relational dynamics. Understanding some of these axles to better inform, sensitize to intervene and combat bullying will constitute the goal of the session.

Speaker: Rui Marques (Portugal)

Hosts: Cristiane Miranda, Sónia Seixas and Tito de Morais (Portugal)

Title: Oportunities, Risks and Harms in Games

Summary: Opportunities, risks, and harms in the use of games by children and adolescents will be explored in this session, with special focus on gamer communities. Topics like hate speech, toxic behavior, and cyberbullying will be addressed.

Speaker: Ivelise Fortim (Brasil)

Hosts: Cristiane Miranda, Sónia Seixas and Tito de Morais (Portugal)

Note: Session in English with simultaneous translation to Portuguese

Title: How AI supercharges online harms

Summary: In this session I will present Tactical Tech’s new media literacy resources focused on artificial intelligence (AI), and how they are supercharging existing online harms, like online harassment, scams and bias. I will present some of the narratives in The Glass Room’s newest portable exhibition Supercharged by AI – which looks at how synthetic media is out of control, and the Data Detox Kit’s essential guides to AI – which provides users with practical steps they can take to feel more in control.

Speaker: Louise Hisayasu (Alemanha/ Brasil)

Anfitriões: Cristiane Miranda and Tito de Morais (Portugal)

Title: Tackling Online Hate Speech and Alternative Narratives

Summary: Short presentation of the work done to combat Hate Speech, presentation of some resources and discussion with participants.

Speaker: Margarida Saco (Portugal)

Hosts: Cristiane Miranda, e Tito de Morais (Portugal)

Title: Closing Session: What is the Government’s Responsibility in Preventing and Tackling Bullying and Cyberbullying?

Summary: In this session we will focus on the Government’s plans to prevent and combat Bullying and Cyberbullying, focusing, in particular, on the expected results of the Working Group to Combat Bullying in Schools, created in September, with results to be presented until the end of the year.

Speaker: Margarida Balseiro Lopes (Portugal)

Hosts: Cristiane Miranda, Sónia Seixas e Tito de Morais (Portugal)


Follow here all the news about the VI Global StopCyberbullying Telesummit,bullying e cyberbullying.


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